
What is your mood today?

Date :
February 2024
client :
Elea Wetzel
lieu :
Toronto, Canada
modèle :
In my relentless pursuit of excellence in graphic design and motion design, I dedicate a significant portion of my time to the creation of personal projects exploring a wide range of subjects. Each of these projects represents a unique opportunity to experiment with new techniques, refine my aesthetic sense, and push the boundaries of my creativity further. The project I am currently working on is simply one step in this ongoing progression. Through its development, my goal remains unchanged: to enhance my technical skills while expressing my artistic vision in a manner that is both profound and visually striking.
Create an illustration on the theme of mood swings.
The idea of an illustration depicting a woman questioning her mood for the day is both intriguing and full of narrative potential. This image would captivate the viewer's imagination by offering a snapshot of reflection and introspection. Through this illustration, I capture that moment when we all sometimes find ourselves, wondering what mood will dominate our upcoming day. It is a moment of vulnerability and universal connection, where the viewer is invited to project themselves into the thoughts of this woman and reflect on their own emotional palette.
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