Motion Design

Que l'Aventure Commence

Date :
November 2022
client :
Elea Wetzel
lieu :
Toronto, Canada
modèle :
In my relentless pursuit of excellence in graphic design and motion design, I dedicate a significant portion of my time to personal projects exploring a wide range of topics. Each of these projects represents a unique opportunity to experiment with new techniques, refine my aesthetic sense, and push the limits of my creativity further. The project I am currently working on is simply one step in this ongoing progression. Through its execution, my goal remains unchanged: to enhance my technical skills while expressing my artistic vision in a way that is both profound and visually striking.
Create a character animation using the "Duik" extension in After Effects.
The illustration of my departure from France to Canada, after obtaining my PVT, shows me at the airport, surrounded by my suitcases. It’s the beginning of an exciting new adventure, full of emotions and promises for the future.
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